Doctors/Surgeons/Clinical Staff

Mr (Dr.) Mohammad Hossain Howlader
Consultant Surgeon
About Mr Mohammad Hossain HowladerMBBS, FRCS (England), FRCS (Edin, non-subscribing), FRCS (Gen Surgery), MD (UCL)
Consultant surgeon at the NHS trust and honorary lecturer at UCL
• Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of England
• Member of Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI)
• Member of Association of Upper GastroIntestinal Surgeons (AUGIS)
• Member of International Federation of societies of obesity (IFSO)
• Member of British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS)
Dr. Mohammad Hossain Howlader has been trained in many branches of surgery since 1994.
Although he practises more complex major surgery in the NHS, he is probably the most experienced in circumcisions in the whole the country with about 50,000 cases either by himself or under his supervision over more than 15 years. He is well praised for his rapport with children and being empathic to parents. He is reputable for his friendliness, expertise, reliable credentials. He attracts patients from Europe, and all over the country including many medics bring their children or relatives to his service. He is always contactable which makes his clinic unique. He has also been featured in BBC, Channel 4 and Channel S.He is now a consultant surgeon in the NHS with an honorary lecturer-ship appointment at UCL since 2012.
He started his career in Urology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (then Greenwich District General Hospital), Woolwich, followed by Orthopaedics and in A&E at Homerton and the Royal London Hospital. He continued in Royal London NHS Trust in a surgical rotation involving vascular, cardiothoracic and general surgery between St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and now Queen’s Hospital at Romford.
Dr. Howlader did a period of research at University College London (UCL), and clinical duty at the then Middlesex hospital (UCLH) and Harley street clinic from 1999. After finishing his research he was awarded MD degree from UCL. Dr. Howlader continued his work as a Registrar in cardiothoracic surgery in London heart hospital, St. Bartholomew’s hospital and St. Georges hospital, as well as the London Chest Hospital.
In 2004, he started general surgery rotation rotating Dartford Darent valley hospital (colorectal and breast), Lewisham hospital (colorectal), Ashford William Harvey hospital (breast), Queen Elizabeth hospital, Woolwich (colorectal and upper GI), Maidstone hospital (oesophago-gastric surgery), Kings college hospital (Liver and HPB), Brighton hospital (oesophago-gastric surgery) and finally in Bariatric surgery at King’s college hospital. He thus acquired extensive experience in all branches of surgery including circumcision and removals of lumps and bumps, hernia repair, gallbladder surgery, endoscopy, weight loss surgery, gastric and oesophageal surgery as well as other abdominal surgery.

Mr. Ahmed Alosta
Consultant Urologist (Locum)

Mr. Sayed Yahia Desouky
Urology Specialty doctor, NHS Trust
MSc, MRCS, PhD Urol, Master of health science, Urology (USA)
Member of European Association of Urology (EAU)
British Association of Urology (BAUS)
American Association of Urology (AUA)

Mr. Joseph Rogers (Yusuf)
Surgical Practitioner
(He assists the surgeon to perform the procedure as an experienced nurse & practitioner).
Joseph Rogers is a Surgical Practitioner for the NHS. He currently works for St. Mary’s Hospital, which is under the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Surgical practice Specialised in Cardiovascular surgery, Associate member of Royal College of Surgeons.
15 years’ experience in circumcision